The Destiny Revealer


“I thoroughly enjoyed the day. I felt very welcomed and included even though I was there on my own. The information was good as well as the meditations. It was especially good because I’ve been avoiding churches a bit for several years, even though growing up in one, and I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about spiritual matters in that time. I wasn’t sure if I was way off the mark but it was actually right in line with what was being taught, so that was a comfort to me. I had to leave early and didn’t get to finish the worksheet…. would like to follow through….. I think it would help me a lot.”
“I and my partner have both attended the Destiny Revealer functions. We have both had 10 minute readings that were astounding. My husband had huge shifts for the good after that day. I attended the workshop on one Saturday and have only glowing reports about it. Many areas to help people to wake up to what’s happened and is happening in this world of ours. May the force be with these people so others may wake up to another way of loving, dreaming and praying so as not to stay stuck in the negativity of the world. Highly recommend you. At least have a listen to them. I am so grateful for all they shared with me.”
“Saturday was such a blessing, you and your circle and the Destiny Revealer team have inspired me and I am so grateful. I felt so empowered and enriched by the day. There was so much positivity and a willingness to engulf all that was offered. I am practicing some of the teaching and already it has protected me from negativity that would have taken away the happiness I am experiencing now. Thank you for including me in. You have come at a time in life where I have needed that extra shoulder and hand to lead me through. I am so grateful.”
“I have just listened to my reading recording and all I can say is wow! Thank you all so much for tuning in to me and showing me what you’ve seen. I’ve found a lot of peace in your words and I am very grateful. Thank you , thank you, thank you, and bless you all :)”

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